As I get them, I'm also reading them. I read them while I blowdry my hair in the morning. Even so, they are pretty quick reads, not nearly as substantial as I remember them. Which makes sense, since I last read many of these twenty years ago or more.
There are only a few genres represented so far. I like to think this is because there are certain things that really, really appeal to the kids who are voting on this award, but maybe authors are just damn copycats. Here's what we're looking at:
Alone in the Woods
Magic Stuff Happens to Regular Kids
Confrontation With a Bully
Classic themes, all.
I can't keep my grownup brain from analyzing them as I read, though. I pick out stereotypes and gender role enforcement and ecologically unsound camping practices (some of these are from the fifties, okay?), and none of the books is free of all that stuff. In fact, there's one book--well, I'll post a photo later. Still, I like them all okay and I still think they are young reader gold.
| Naughty words | Children alone in woods | Child confronts bully | Magical happenings | My complaints | Other |
Two in the Wilderness | | Yes | | | Sister sweeps; brother hunts | |
Bones on Black Spruce Mountain | Piss AND shit! | Yes | | | Kids in the woods cut down trees, build fires, very naughty | Adoption figures in this story |
A Bundle of Sticks | "faggot" | | Yes | | | |
The 18th Emergency | | | Yes | | | |
Time for Andrew | | | Yes | Yes | | |
Jennifer Murdley's Toad | | | Toad confronts bully | Yes | | |
Castle in the Attic | | Briefly | | Yes | | |
Summer of Fear | | | | Yes | Girls is bitches | |
The Boggart | | | | Yes | Gang of "friends" really just a collection of stereotypes | |
Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio | | | | | | One of these things is not like the others... |